Chevron Retirees Association

Metropolitan Houston Chapter

Our Chapter's History

The Metropolitan Houston Chapter has a long history, going back some 40 years.  While we don’t have much in the way of written records going back that far, thanks to the collective memories of our past presidents and officers, we can provide the following background from 2000 onward. Since our chapter and the CRA are intertwined, there are some historical references to CRA as well.

What we now call the Metro Houston Chapter came into existence in 2000 through the merger of the Gulf Annuitants Club and the Greater Houston Chapter (Chevron Geosciences at the Hayes Road building). The bulk of the new chapter leadership came from Gulf. We were recognized with the CRA President’s Award for taking this initiative. See the plaque in the photo to the left. As a result of the merger, our chapter grew from ~574 members in 2000 to ~675 in 2001.

The H.E.S.S. Club

For many years, chapter luncheons were held at the H.E.S.S. Club (Houston Engineering & Scientific Society), located at 5430 Westheimer, near The Galleria. A photo from our 2002 Holiday Event at this venue is shown at left.


A wide variety of guest speakers enlightened our members over the years. The list is long, but some examples include:

  • Dr. Arthur K. Smith, Chancellor and President of the University of Houston
  • Dominique Sachse, News Anchor for Channel 2 (NBC) in Houston (pictured to left)
  • Davis Henderson, CEO, American Red Cross - Greater Houston Area Chapter
  • Haywood A. “HAP” Payne, President, Chevron Business and Real Estate Services
  • Dr. Richard E. Wainerdi, President, CEO and COO of the Texas Medical Center. Dr. Wainerdi joined Gulf as the President of Gulf Research & Development Company
  • Wayne Dolcefino, 13 Undercover, Channel 13 (KTRK - ABC) in Houston
  • Donald L. Paul, Corporate Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of ChevronTexaco Corporation
  • Candice Twyman - Executive Director, BBB Education Foundation
  • Allen Johnson, Executive Director for Emergency Services for HCA’s Gulf Coast Division
  • Mike Cook - A Director of the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo and a past chairman of the speakers committee
  •  Van Chancellor – Former Head Coach and General Manager of the WNBA’s Houston Comets, inducted into the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame in 2001
  • Leah Oberlin - Environmental Affairs Director for the Port of Houston Authority
  • Kimberly McHugh – Chevron - Vice President, Drilling & Completions
  • Charlie Casserly - GM, Houston Texans (pictured to left)

We also hosted several entertainers for our events, including:

  • West Houston - Katy Children’s Choir
  • The Holiday Singers – a choir of the merged Chevron and Texaco employees and annuitants. 
  • The Houston Liederkranz – singers of traditional German music
  • Bill Parish - ‘One Man Band’
  • Scott Graham, Houston’s Own Piano Man
  • Wiley Pat Gavin - Songs of the Cowboy
  • Hayden Braun – blind pianist
  • Barbara Jennings - “One Woman Broadway” (at left)

A History of Service

In 2003, our chapter was presented with the Chevron Retirees Association Public Service Award (shown at left). This award recognized our pioneering efforts of awarding college scholarships to the descendants of our members.  The certificate is signed by Dave O’Reilly, then Chairman of Chevron and John Dewes, then President of the ChevronTexaco Retirees Association. Our first scholarship award was for $1000 back in 2001. Since then, our chapter has awarded over $37,000 in scholarships thanks to the generous contributions of our members.

In 2004, MHC member Charlie Rhoads received the outstanding individual Public Service Award at the National CTRA Meeting in Calgary, Alberta, in May 2004. Charlie was recognized for:

    • Running the “Career Assistance Ministry” for Memorial Drive Methodist Church, helping over 100 persons who were unemployed learn how to prepare a resume, strategize a job search and learn how to interview
    • Being the first Protestant to serve on the on the Board and Executive Committee of Catholic Charities of Galveston Houston
    • Serving on the Board of Literacy Advance of Houston
    • Serving on the Board of Wesley House (the Methodist Churches charity for the underserved)
    • Providing pro bono Human Resources consulting to Father Flanagan’s Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska
    • Serving as Chair of the Benefits Committee for the National Chevron Retirees Association
    • All while working full time as an Executive Search Consultant for Boyden International

In subsequent years, Charlie became Board Chair for both Literacy Advance and Wesley House.

Charlie donated his Public Service Award to Literacy Advance.

Printed Membership Directory

The practice of sending out an annual printed Membership Directory originated with the Gulf Annuitants Club and was carried over following the 2000 merger. The tradition continues to this day.


Our chapter started to investigate building a website in 2009. It went live in 2011 and allowed the chapter to highlight chapter events with photos and better inform members of chapter news.  It also supported an online member directory.

Executive Sponsorship & Pension Advocacy

In 2004, Alan Preston, vice president, Corporate Human Resources, was personally appointed by Dave O'Reilly (ChevronTexaco CEO) to be the executive sponsor of the ChevronTexaco Retirees Association (CTRA). In this role, Alan continued to support the Association, share CTRA concerns with the appropriate members of the leadership team and represent ChevronTexaco management at the annual meetings. Alan routinely provided updates to Dave and to the Executive Committee on HR issues and concerns, from both the employee and retiree perspective.

Over the years, although the names have changed, CRA continues its mutually beneficial relationship with Chevron through regular meetings with executive sponsors and participation by Chevron executives at the CRA Annual Meeting. In 2024, Al Williams and Rhonda Morris serve as executive sponsors.

The CRA occasionally advocates for supplements for those Chevron retirees receiving pensions. Chevron continues to monitor pension payments and make adjustments as needed. Individuals who have questions about their pension payments should contact the Chevron HR Service Center at 1-888-825-5247 ( 1-832-854-5800).

Supporting Local and Worldwide Charities

According to our chapter newsletter archives, we have supported the following charities throughout our history:

  • West Houston Assistance Ministries (WHAM) with toys for children in our community that otherwise would not have had toys for Christmas, nonperishable food and/or paper products to go to the food bank (multiple years).
  • Two $2,000 contributions to the Houston Chapter of the American Red Cross, in support of the dependents of military personnel assigned to the Iraq War (2003 and 2004).
  • A $1,000 contribution to the Greater Houston Area Chapter of the American Red Cross for the benefit of survivors of Hurricane Katrina (2005).
  • Members contributed generous personal gifts of $530 for donation to a suitable aid agency to support the South Asia Relief (tsunami disaster in Indochina) solicitation in 2005.
  • A $1,000 donation to the Haiti Relief Fund – via the American Red Cross (2010).
  • An $800 donation to the Houston Food Bank in 2024 in response to an urgent appeal following Hurricane Beryl.

From left to right, the members were Virginia Benfield, Frank Coe, George Treibel, Glenn Ewan, Tom Brunet, and Evelyn Kassey.

Support for the CRA

The 2011 CRA Annual Meeting, held in Houston May 14-16, was a big success.  The Metro Houston Chapter was the host for this event. Roughly 120 delegates, spouses, and guests from chapters throughout the US and Canada were shown some classic Texas hospitality.  John Watson, Chevron CEO, was the keynote speaker at the closing banquet.  He presented an informative update on what is going on at Chevron.

The Host Committee, shown left, consisted of representatives from all Houston-area chapters. While the delegates were involved in a day and-a-half of meetings, their spouses and guests had an opportunity to visit the Galleria and the George Ranch Historical Park.

Insurance Discounts

  • Dental Plan
In 2008, after much work by CRA President (and MHC member) Charlie Rhoads, CRA Benefits Committee Chairman Al Horan, and Chet Rhoads of The HDH Group, the CRA announced the availability of a group dental plan for its members.  A dental plan has long been sought by retirees who do not have access to the Chevron-sponsored dental plan. This plan would be open only to dues-paying members of the Chevron Retirees Association. Members pay the full cost of this program but benefit from the economies offered by a group plan.

The Chevron Retirees Association (CRA) website has a weblink to the CRA Dental Plan under the Benefits / CRA Benefits menu ( Information is provided on that weblink about eligibility requirements to join the plan, coverage features and how to get cost information.

  • Hear in America

Substantial savings on hearing aids are available through Hear In America. Hear In America (HIA) was founded by hearing instrument dispensers in 1995 to help people get the best possible combination of hearing technology, price, and service. For more information about the Program contact HIA by either clicking on the link below or by phoning them at 1-800-286-6149. Hear in America (HIA) -

  •  Auto and Homeowners

In 2012, CRA made available through MetLife an attractive Auto and Home Insurance Program.  Unfortunately, this program was discontinued when Farmers purchased the business from MetLife.

Online Directory

Our on-line membership directory at our website, was initiated in 2012 and updated in 2014 to provide additional search capability.  Members were now able to search for another member by entering just the first letter of either their first name or their last name. This was useful if, for example, you attended a luncheon and met someone named Bob or Bill but you didn’t remember which, you were now able to search for that person by entering “b” in the first name box. If you remembered that his last name was something like Burns or Brown, you could search by entering “b” in the last name box.  If you wanted to form a carpool from your neighborhood, you could search by Zip Code to help find members that lived close to you.

Another Merger (2016)

At the March 2016 luncheon, the attendees voted to proceed with the merger of the Texaco Retirees Club of Houston (TRCH) and the Metropolitan Houston Chapter. A lot of behind-the-scenes work was performed by Bill Alvarez and Fred Levert to create a single master file of members while Howard O’Donnell and Dennis Huddleston worked on the financial records. Our total membership grew by about 300 members. With the larger base of members to cover the fixed costs of the chapter, dues were reduced from $12/year (since 2014) to $10/year.

Community Support

TRCH made a chapter cash donation each year in December to the Houston Food Bank (HFB). This practice was adopted by the MHC following the merger. Because the Food Bank purchases in very large quantities and with significant discounts, we advised our members that their $1 contribution to them provides a full day of meals to a needy neighbor.

Therefore, we encouraged our members to consider donating cash, since it purchases a lot more when HFB spends it for you and it will be used to purchase items HFB needs most. To facilitate cash donations, we began placing a donation jar for the HFB on the registration table.  Since 2016, our chapter has made an annual monetary donation to the Houston Food Bank.

Our chapter members also donate their time by participating alongside their still-working Chevron colleagues at various events throughout the year, such as filling boxes at their main warehouse east of Houston (see the photo to the left) and at the Peanut Butter Factory north of Houston. The CEO of the Houston Food Bank, Brian Greene, gave a wonderful presentation to attendees at our 2023 Holiday Event.

Benefits and Discounts

Chevron has always offered its employees great benefits and discounts to a variety of attractions in many locations. Over the years, the process of obtaining these discounts has changed and has evolved into BenefitHub, with its own website. MHC has made our members aware of these benefits for our dues-paying members and how to obtain them. The Chevron Recreation Benefit Hub is the go-to source for many corporate discounts available for employees, contractors, and retirees. To enjoy the discounts available through BenefitHub (, it is necessary to create an account (unless you already have one). To create an account, you will need a referral code. For instructions on obtaining the code, go to, then click on Benefits, CRA Benefits.

Lapel Pins

In 2016, the Board of Directors voted to reinstate the practice of giving each new member a membership pin when they join the Chapter.  This practice was in place in the late 1990’s but was dropped sometime later.  With the new Chevron Hallmark, the design has changed slightly.  Therefore, we purchased a supply, and each member of the Chapter received a new pin. We encouraged our members to wear it with pride!

2018 CRA Annual Meeting

The 2018 CRA Annual Meeting was held in San Antonio, Texas. Metro Houston was the host chapter for this meeting, and our President, Glenn Ewan, was the Host Committee Chair. His team of MHC and Hill Country Chapter volunteers helped coordinate a very successful meeting. Chapter Presidents and the CRA Leadership Team participated in business meetings, and spouses and guests joined us to listen to our keynote speaker, Chevron CEO Mike Wirth (pictured). While the Annual Meeting delegates were at work, spouses and guests strolled along the famous River Walk, took tours to the Alamo, Mission San José and Mission Conception, and enjoyed the great food and music of San Antonio. 

Mr. Wirth and the panel members all emphasized how important the voices of employees and retirees are to the ongoing conversations in the industry and in the political landscape.  They also urged retirees to get involved with and join the Chevron Advocacy Network.

2018 – Neighborhood Luncheons and Recruiting Drive

Recognizing that the traffic in the Galleria area could be a real hassle, the Board of Directors decided to try “Neighborhood Luncheons” as a way to enhance membership.  This meant holding a luncheon in various neighborhoods in addition to our regular quarterly luncheon at the H.E.S.S. Club.  These luncheons allowed attendees to order for themselves (controlling the content and the cost) while also enjoying fellowship with other Chevron retirees.  We selected Spring Creek BBQ as our initial meeting place since they had a private room and a projector and screen.  We identified a “Neighborhood” by using a radius of 15 miles from the restaurant.  We would show a video of a previous H.E.S.S. luncheon entertainment and one of our board members would bring the attendees up to date on things happening in CRA. 

The Neighborhood Luncheon program was not intended to dilute the attendance at our primary site, the H.E.S.S. Club.  It was intended to enrich the membership experience of those who did not feel comfortable attending a function in the Houston Galleria area with all of the traffic there.

Primarily through the dedicated efforts of George Treibel, Evelyn Kassey and her husband Mike, and Glenn Ewan and his wife Lorraine (the “family”), the Neighborhood Luncheon program was a great success.  During 2019 we enjoyed a quarterly average attendance of 86 in addition to the 56 attending the HESS luncheons. Eventually, the program expanded to nine sites, including central Houston, Spring, Katy, Fulshear, Sugarland, Pearland, Humble, Tomball and Bryan/College Station.

In November the Neighborhood Luncheon “family” decided to conduct a recruiting drive.  They folded, addressed, licked, and stamped just over 2,800 letters to Chevron retirees living in the Houston area who are not currently members of MHC.  Other MHC Board members helped when they attended the luncheon in their neighborhood.  This resulted in the addition of more than 160 members since December 2 when the letters were mailed.

Our Benefits Connection

From 2020 to 2023, MHC Member (and past chapter President) Bill Dodge, served as Chair of the CRA Benefits Committee.  In this role, Bill assisted Chapter members with Chevron / CRA retiree benefits questions. He also wrote a regular Benefits Corner article for our quarterly newsletter to help keep members informed of changes to Chevrons benefit plans for retirees. Bill currently serves as an Ex-Officio MHC Board member and still serves as a member of the CRA Benefits Committee. This is one more example of the leadership that MHC members have provided to our Chevron retiree family.

The Pandemic

Due to COVID-19, most of the 2020 and all of the 2021 Neighborhood Luncheons were cancelled. While there was hope that this would be a temporary event, that was not to be. That was not the only casualty of the pandemic. After 102 years of existence the Board of Directors of the HESS Club came to the unfortunate conclusion that the Club could not survive. The shutdown of restaurants and event venues forced by the COVID-19 pandemic imposed a financial burden that could not be overcome. It later opened as a wedding venue (above) but was not available to our chapter for luncheons.

The Neighborhood Luncheon program resumed in Q1 of 2022. During this time, Glenn Ewan held several Zoom sessions to share updates and keep chapter members engaged. The meetings attracted a nationwide audience and we were able to maintain our membership during this trying time.

Due to the closure of the HESS Club, we needed to find a different venue for our 2022 Holiday Event. We chose the Cadillac Bar (left), where we had a great turnout, probably due to members wanting to get out of their confinement and see their friends again!

Turnover & Downsizing

Just like Chevron, our Board occasionally experiences a significant turnover of personnel. That happened in 2022 and 2023.  This could have posed a significant challenge to our Chapter if there were no volunteers willing to step forward.  Fortunately, we successfully recruited several new members to the Board. Many of our experienced Board members agreed to continue serving in an Ex-Officio role. This combination of new and experienced talent served our chapter well.

We reduced the number of Neighborhood Luncheon locations from nine to four with the twin goals of continuing the program while making it more sustainable. The focus was on the areas of Houston with the highest concentration of members. We held four Neighborhood Luncheons in each of the first three quarters and one City-Wide Holiday Event in 2022.

New Events

In 2023, with an all-new Board with lots of new ideas, we held several different types of events in order to broaden our appeal to a wider audience of members. For example: we went to two Texans football games (see photo) as fund-raisers for our Scholarship Fund; we hosted a dinner and Houston Symphony Pops concert event at Damian’s and Jones Hall; we held a luncheon event at The ION in midtown Houston (the old Sears Building) where we had a Chevron executive speak to our group. Members also participated in the Farmer’s Market in the Skyring at Chevron’s downtown office to introduce current employees to our chapter and encourage them to join when they eventually retire. Our members also demonstrated their Community Service by volunteering for the Houston Food Bank at their main warehouse and at The Peanut Butter Factory. We did all of this in addition to our regular Neighborhood Luncheons and three educational Zoom sessions. Our Event Committee is actively planning a variety of social events in 2024 and beyond.

We celebrate our history and are excited about the future!

We hope you will share your next chapter with us!

"Metropolitan Houston Chapter" is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.


Postal mail: PO Box 194, Houston, TX 77001-0194

© 2024 Houston Metropolitan Chapter. All Rights Reserved.

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