Chevron Retirees Association

Metropolitan Houston Chapter

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Brian Batiste was re-elected as President of the Metropolitan Houston Chapter for 2024 at the December, 2023 Holiday Event, along with the other candidates for the Board of Directors (BOD) shown in the photo on the next page.  We very much appreciate the new and returning officers and Directors-At-Large for their leadership and dedication to our chapter.

Our chapter supports the mission of the Chevron Retirees Association, which is to attract and retain a diverse and multi-cultural dues-paying membership that brings value to all retirees and spouses and to the corporation.  We accomplish this mission by organizing and promoting a variety of social and educational events throughout the Greater Houston area, communication, and advocacy of mutually important issues.

In addition to the elected BOD members, we are thankful for the ongoing counsel of our Ex-Officio Board members and the benefit of their years of experience serving our chapter and the CRA National organization. We are also grateful for the support of many other alumni who gladly volunteer their time and talents on our many teams.  Their names and roles are listed in this section.

The Board meets quarterly to handle ongoing and new business. We take our financial responsibilities seriously and endeavor to operate with a balanced budget.  Additionally, the President and other invited Board members attend the CRA annual meeting. This gathering allows our leaders to share Best Practices, learn from each other and, in turn, help improve our chapter.

Members who wish to serve either on our Board or on one of our teams should send a note to  We welcome applicants with skills in event organizing, Information Technology, web page design, accounting and other backgrounds. Applicants must be willing to commit to attend board and/or team meetings, coordinate one or more social events and to advance the mission of our chapter.

"Metropolitan Houston Chapter" is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.


Postal mail: PO Box 194, Houston, TX 77001-0194

© 2024 Houston Metropolitan Chapter. All Rights Reserved.

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